Group Tab: Work Order

The Group page lists all work orders that have been placed in a group with the currently active work order. If only the current work order is listed, this work order is not part of a defined group. All work orders associated with a group will be designated as such in the Work Center header. Immediately following the Work Order ID, the group status will be displayed.

Most work order groups are created based on a definition in a preventive maintenance procedure. Groups can also be manually created to allow batch processing or printing of the associated work orders, but this is not commonly done.

Groups that are automatically generated as part of a preventive maintenance schedule can be defined to have a master/child relationship. Groups with master/child relationships operate in a different manner, as follows:

  1. Work orders that are part of a group with a master/child relationship will have one of the work orders in the generated group designated as the Master Work Order.

    Only the Master Work Order is listed in the Work Order List, as it is the record you use to effect changes to the entire group of work orders. The remaining work orders in the group are labeled “Child” records. These associated “Child” work order records are not typically accessed independently, but are displayed on this Group tab. If the work order group displayed was created in this manner, an (M) or (C) will be listed to the right of each work order ID, indicating whether the record is a master or child.

  2. Generally speaking, work orders grouped in a master/child relationship are best manipulated using the master record, rather than using options on the Group page.

    For this type of grouping, this page is most helpful for identifying the members of the group. For further information on working with Master Work Orders, see Manage Groups of Work Orders (Master Work Order Updates).

All other work orders in a group will not have a master/child relationship, they will simply be attached to the same group. This type of work order group can be created automatically as part of a preventive maintenance procedure, or it can be manually created to support batch processing and printing.

Using the Group page, associated work orders can be acted upon together. As with the automatically generated groups, work orders can also be printed together on a work order or work order statement.


If the group has master/child relationships, it's recommended that you manipulate the records using the Master Record, rather than the options on this page. For further information on working with Master Work Orders, see Manage Groups of Work Orders.

ClosedCreate New Group/Add a Work Order to a Group

If there is no group currently defined, you can add records to the existing work order to create a group. If a group has already been defined, you can add additional work orders to the group.

We do not recommend you add a work order to an automatically generated group with a master/child relationship, as this new record will not be listed as a child. If you do this, the new record will not be updated with other child records when the master record is updated.

Add a work order to a group or create a group by adding the first work order:

  1. Click Add.

    The Work Order Module lookup opens.

  2. Use the filter and search controls to identify the items you want to add.

  3. Locate the work order you want to add.

  4. Click the work order you want to add.

    The work order is added to the My Selection(s) area of the window.

  5. Continue selecting additional work orders as needed.

    To remove a record that has been added to the My Selection(s) area in error, click the blue arrow directly to the left of the row.

  6. Click Apply.

    The Work Order Module lookup closes, and the new work orders are added to the Work Order Group table. It is not necessary to save this addition. All displayed work orders are now members of the group.

  7. Create a new work order to be added to this group:

    1. Click New.

      The Create Work Order window opens.

    2. Complete the required fields to create a new work order.

    3. Click Close.

      The new work order is added to the list.

ClosedChange Status of Work Orders (Issue/Deny)

Options to change status on multiple records in the group are displayed at the bottom of the page.

  1. Click the check box to the left of the work order you want to modify.

  2. Continue to check any additional work orders you want to modify.

  3. Click the status button at the bottom of the page you want to use.

    For example, click Issue or Deny.

    The status of the work orders will change as displayed in the status column.

ClosedComplete/Close Out Work Orders

The behavior and appearance of the Complete/Close Out Work Order window varies dependent on whether or not it is accessed from page or from an individual record's Details page. The instructions that follow presume it is being accessed from the Group page.

You can use the Complete/Close option to record progress with a group of work orders or completely close out the group of work orders.

  1. Click the check box to the left of the work orders you want to complete or close.

  2. Click the Complete/Close button.

    The Complete/Close window opens. The window appears exactly as described in Complete/Close a Work Order with the following exceptions:

    • The Status History area in the upper-right will not show the work order requested or issued dates, as the individual work orders may have different dates.

    • Individual assignments will not show, as the work orders may have different assignments.

    • The Labor Report will not show any content, as the different work orders could have different labor reports. In addition, controls are available to indicate whether or not comments added should overwrite existing labor reports or be appended to them.

    • Meter readings and the option to set downtime will not be displayed.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. In the Labor Report area, select one of three options to indicate how to handle the comments you enter:

    • Append: Click Append if you want the comments you enter added to the labor reports of each work order.

    • Overwrite: Click Overwrite if you want the comments you enter to overwrite the existing comments in each work order.

    • Do Nothing: The Do Nothing option allows you to apply labor report content only to work orders in the group without current contents in their Labor Report. If the work order already has a Labor Report, the system will not replace the contents.

  5. Click Apply.

    The changes indicated will be made to all records selected.

ClosedRemove a Work Order from a Group

Work orders can be removed from a group. It is generally not advisable to remove a work order that is a child to a master work order, as it will be difficult to access this record independently.

If you remove a child record from a group, you can use the Search tab to locate the record. It will not display in the List tab.

Remove a work order that is a member of a group:

  1. Click the check box to the left of the work order you want to remove.

    A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.

  2. Continue to check any additional work orders you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.